AHAVA Law, P.C.™ has great respect for the men and women who have served our country. We appreciate the bravery and sacrifice veterans have made for our freedom. Life after military service presents unique challenges. There are many resources for military households and veterans. In order to assist with the transition, we have gathered a list of resources that we hope will aid veterans in their journey.
Sheila-Marie Finkelstein serves as the Chair of the Orange County Bar Association Veterans and Military Committee (“VetCom”). As a founding member she helped compile the Veterans Legal Resources available at http://veterans.ocbar.org/.
Sheila-Marie Finkelstein serves on the Board of the Veterans Legal Institute (“VLI”). Through the VLI she provides FREE estate plans to qualified service members and veterans. Veterans Legal Institute® (VLI) provides pro bono legal assistance to homeless, at risk, disabled and low income current and former service members to eradicate barriers to housing, healthcare, education, and employment and foster self-sufficiency. Apply for a FREE estate plan here: https://www.vetslegal.com/application/
Service members and veterans may have legal rights that differ from civilians. Please visit the Veterans & Military Families in California Courts page here: http://www.courts.ca.gov/veterans.htm.

The Military Dictionary is available here: https://www.militarydictionary.org/term/a
A glossary of Military Terms and Slang is available here: https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/military-terms-and-jargon.html
The DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms is available here: https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/dictionary.pdf